is powered by USDA Science and offers credible information to help you make healthful eating choices.
Farmers Markets: Fresh, Nutritious, Local (USDA)
Separating Nutritional Facts from Fiction Webinar
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ASCEND for Better Health

A virtual center that brings together scientists, partner organizations, and communities to deliver science-based solutions that promote and elevate food and nutrition security for all Americans.
Heart Health

Learn how to reduce your risk for heart disease. Find heart-healthy eating tips to reduce fat in the diet and lower cholesterol levels.
Exercise and Fitness

Learn about the health benefits of physical activity, and find resources like exercise logs, planners, and examples to help you stay consistent over time.
High Blood Pressure

Learn about what you can do to help control hypertension (high blood pressure), including the DASH diet.
Nutrition Tips for Every Stage of Life

Featured Resources
Oatmeal Pecan Waffle

Kids will love these whole-grain waffles made with whole-wheat flour and oats.
National Agricultural Library Digital Exhibit

Learn about George Washington Carver’s contribution to agriculture at NAL’s Digital Exhibit.
Historical Dietary Guidance Digital Collection

Discover 1929 Valentine’s Day menu featuring oysters, heart shaped biscuits, and Cupid’s Salad on NAL’s Historical Dietary Guidance Digital Collection.
USDA FoodData Central

Discover nutrient content for over 400,000 foods in the USDA’s FoodData Central.
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